Welcome to New Start Tax Resolution!

Helping taxpayers solve their tax problems

New Start Tax ResolutionOur CPA Firm

The Mailbox

You’re home from work. It’s the worst part of the day, the dreaded stop at the mailbox. Sometimes you think about waiting until tomorrow to check your mail, but you know it’s better to do it now, before someone else does. You open your mailbox, only to find more tax notices from the Internal Revenue Service. It’s another notice of intent to levy your bank account or other property, or maybe this time, it’s a notice that a federal tax lien has been filed.

You want to get this resolved. You need to get this resolved. You hear all those commercials advertising “settling for less” or paying “pennies on the dollar,” but are these claims really true? Fortunately, there are many options for you. The unfortunate part is that only a small percentage of taxpayers actually settle for “pennies on the dollar,” and an even smaller percentage maintain compliance in order to avoid the same mistakes in the future.

So what is the solution? The solution is to take the first step toward a New Start.

Our CPA firm has been resolving tax matters for over 30 years in conjunction with our tax preparation services, and we now have a division dedicated solely to resolving and settling tax debt and maintaining future income tax compliance. We have a team of Certified Public Accountants and Enrolled Agents that have the experience and knowledge to resolve your tax debt in the best way possible and give you a New Start.

Our Services

All new clients of New Start Tax Resolution must undergo an initial assessment, which includes in-depth investigation into IRS records, Freedom of Information Act requests, transcript analysis, and a consultation with a CPA or EA to discuss options. Once we complete your initial assessment, we can offer you any of the following services:

Delinquent tax return preparation

Filing your past-due returns (individual and business returns)

Tax Return Amendments

Correcting a tax error from the past

Offer in Compromise

Making an offer for less than your tax debt

Penalty Abatement

Requesting forgiveness for penalties

Installment Agreements

Breaking up your tax debt into smaller payments

Innocent Spouse Relief

Requesting relief for one spouse in a joint liability

Need More Services?

Contact our firm if you’re interested in any other services, or visit our CPA firm’s website at www.tdconnally.com 

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